Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"I'm thinking of dropping everything and joining something like the Peace Corps"

On the website reddit, a user posted that he was 33, single and in a dead-end job working at a gas station.  He was thinking of dropping everything and joining the Peace Corps and wanted to know what it would be like.  The following response received 834 upvotes:

I'm a Peace Corps Volunteer right now. Let me tell you a few of the things you've got going for you right this moment and aren't even thinking about:
  1. Within 30 seconds of where you are sitting right now, there's a sit-down toilet next to a tap that delivers clean, drinkable water and/or hot water suitable for showering.
  2. That gas station you manage is corporate, which it's heated in the winter, air conditioned in the summer, well lit, resistant to earthquakes, keeps out bugs and won't kill you if it catches on fire. You don't have to worry about any of this yourself, except for calling a repair man if something gets out of hand. When you call, he'll come quickly and be able to fix the problem.
  3. When a customer comes in, 99% of the time he or she is speaking to you in English. If someone doesn't speak English, that's their problem. When you go to the bank, the post office, any government office or any store, you speak English.
  4. You've got a credit card in your pocket, and some cash. If you want more, there's an ATM where you work. You regularly come into contact with poor people, but no one so poor that they can't afford food, or are dying of an illness that is treatable through handwashing, mosquito nets or inexpensive medication. You almost never encounter a malnourished child.
  5. You probably own a car. It's not new, or the fanciest car in your town, but it's probably got airbags, anti-lock brakes, seatbelts, windows that open and close. If you don't own a car and use public transport instead, you ride in a clean bus, train or aircraft that is well-maintained, regularly scheduled, and probably built in the last 15 years.
  6. When you want to buy food or medicine, you know that they're clean and of decent quality. Your favorite foods are easily available to you. You have the choice of going out to a restaurant or cooking for yourself. There are a variety of restaurants within 30 minutes of you, as well as full-size grocery store where the shelves are always stocked with a tremendous variety of merchandise.
  7. Your family and friends are easy to reach and get in touch with. You have shared experiences with them and they understand your life and what you're going through.
  8. When you walk in the street, no one stares at you because of the color of your skin or the way you're dressed. No one singles you out to ask for money or what you're doing. If you need to ask someone directions, they understand you and don't look at you like you're from another planet.
    If you think you can give these up for two years, which means past the point where it becomes fun and entertaining, past where it's aggravating and to the point where it's routine, then you might want to think about the Peace Corps. If what you want is just a change of pace and an expansion of your worldview, look into travelling for a bit, or go to a site like WWOOF.org or coolworks.com. If you'd like to make a 2.5 year commitment to working in very poor conditions and learning a language no one's ever heard of, then look at the PC website and r/peacecorps.

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